Caroline McLaughlin Therapy


Does Therapy Really Work?

I wanted to write this page as I know for many people therapy feels like a gamble. I'm a therapist (and a human) and I've been there.

I spent 3 years of my own life in therapy whilst completing my training. I have returned to therapy whenever needed in the years since and will always continue to value therapy as part of my life as and when it's needed.

This, combined with 23 years total of working with people and their wellbeing - including 10 years of professional counselling practice gives me a good idea of what you might be going through as you read this - trying to find the right counsellor. The right person to pin your hopes on, with a thousand questions, hopes and worries in your mind.

I want to be honest - Therapy is the best thing I have ever done.

But - It can also be pretty hard.

You may be worried about the cost. Emotionally, Physically, Financially.

Image of hills at sunset

To show up and be vulnerable. To share with another human being your darkest memories and thoughts, deepest fears and yet unmet hopes and dreams, or the truth about how much of a struggle day to day is - takes great courage.

To invest in the exploration of your inner world, knowing that it will bring up difficult feelings.

To invest your money in this process too. Yes, its a gamble.

Will it work? Will I feel worse? What if I open the floodgates and can't close them again? What if.....? I get it. I've been there.

But. As a therapist who has seen now hundreds of clients. What I have witnessed for many - I can humbly liken to watching CPR.

I have had the privilege of seeing many clients who arrived in turmoil or despair - slowly, over weeks and months - begin to breathe again and begin to heal. And with new understanding of themselves and others, move forward with compassion, hope, renewed strength and a clear vision of the life they want to live and how they want to go about getting there.

Of course for some it is a quieter shift and it varies. But what I am trying to let you know is that IT IS possible - A shift, a release, a new understanding, better feelings - some of what you're looking for.

How do I know? I've felt it and experienced it. And I've seen it in others too.

If you would like to discuss your hopes and fears about starting therapy or ask any question at all about this process please email me anytime to discuss.

With my very Best Wishes,

Caroline signature

"Although I initially found the idea of therapy daunting (discussing my experiences and emotions),

the personal growth I've achieved through these sessions is remarkable.

Caroline provided me with valuable tools to cope with my past experiences and has been incredibly helpful from the beginning of my sessions to the end."

(Male 54)

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment.

This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

© Caroline McLaughlin Therapy

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