Caroline McLaughlin Therapy


Online Therapy

There are many reasons why people choose Online Therapy instead of in person Face to Face therapy.

Travel and time

People living in remote and rural areas often have to take several hours out of their day and incur travel costs to attend an appointment. For some, even a trip across town eats into too much time or puts a strain on caring or other responsibilities.


Physical or mental limitations can also play a part in why people choose online therapy. Online therapy removes accessibility barriers for those who find it difficult to attend a therapist's office for any reason and allows people to connect with the exact same registered therapist but from the comfort of their own home.


Some people feel much more relaxed choosing a Counsellor who isn't based in their home town to reduce the likelihood of common associations or bumping into one another in public. Although all registered Counsellors adhere to a Code of Ethics and Confidentiality, some people simply feel more at ease with someone a little further from home.


When you embark on online therapy your choice of therapists opens up and you can pick someone who feels really right to you even if they're 300 miles away.

Time and privacy

I offer the online equivalent of traditional face to face counselling by secure video link at a time suitable to us both between 9am and 5pm.

However I am aware that for some people, time and privacy during the day is impractical or even impossible. For this reason, I also offer email therapy so that sessions can take place silently and at any time - night or day. You may find that this is more suitable for you if you have a full house all of the time or have a work schedule that won't allow for daytime appointments.

All online work takes place within encrypted platforms, specifically designed for use by Therapists.

"Therapy with Caroline helped me so much. Just knowing I could talk to someone I could trust and that she would always listen.

Once that trust was there I was able to really face what had been going on." (Female 42)

Things to consider when starting online therapy

A therapist's office is likely to be chosen in a discreet location. One of many offices in a multipurpose building perhaps. It is likely to be soundproofed, with a comfortable chair and neutral decor which won't distract you from your inner world. Therapists offices are single purpose places which you are likely to only use for the purpose of meeting your therapist. These examples and much more of the setting of the therapeutic environment are thought out carefully.

And with good reason.

For online therapy it is equally important to consider;

Where are you going to have your sessions?

It is essential that the place where your online therapy takes place is a quiet, private space where you will not be overheard or interrupted.

(Headphones are helpful for use in sessions as they help to contain our voices and the content of our session should any interruption beyond our control occur.)

It's also useful to consider that whatever comes up in our sessions will linger somewhat in the room where the session takes place. And so it's important to choose the setting carefully knowing that you may revisit that room in many different roles and points in your day. This is an individual choice and you'll know what suits you best.

My main stipulations are these;

Sessions should never take place on your bed.

Sessions cannot take place when driving.

You should also consider whether you have Ambient listening devices (like Alexas and Echo Dots) in your room. It's important that these be turned off or removed from the room during sessions to ensure your privacy.

Timing and context of our session

It's helpful to choose a time of day and day of the week for your session when you will have some time afterwards to process and recover from what has been brought up. Leaving enough time post session for a walk round the block or to pick up a coffee before re-joining your day can be really helpful.

In face to face sessions, clients often use the bathroom before they leave the building, to wash their hands, breathe or consult the mirror. They often have a commute back home or onwards into their day too.

This little bit of extra time to leave the session somewhat behind and regain composure is useful in online sessions too. Otherwise it can feel a little like you've just been transported back into your own life without warning and it can be quite an adjustment from the quiet contemplation or active working through of your therapy.

Letting those in your life know that although your session finishes at x o'clock you won't be available again until later might be worth considering; so you can replicate that commute time and emerge into your family or work life or just the rest of your own day; ready to re-join it.

It is also helpful to consider what else you have on that day and how therapy might interact with the rest of your plans. This might just become some learning that happens as we go and I can be flexible with changing a regular day and time to suit you - wherever possible.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how counselling works, or to arrange an initial assessment appointment.

This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to counselling, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help. I am happy to discuss any queries or questions you may have prior to arranging an initial appointment.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

© Caroline McLaughlin Therapy

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